Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January is a time of new beginnings. The beginning of the new year, the beginning of many peoples new years resolutions and the beginning of this years Explores programme. We are going full steam ahead with school visits again this term. Starting with Maree national school which is getting it's fish tank stocked on the 19-01-2012. Ourselves and the students are looking forward to seeing their wonderful display again this year and I'm sure the fish are excited to unpack and settle down in their new home.

As well as stocking we are continuing our experiment and seashore classes as well. Students will need to brush off their lab coats and get ready to do some really fun science as we have a host of new experiments ready to unleash in your classrooms.

The Mário Ruivo Marine Movie Competition is still open for applicants to send in their marine movies. So if you fancy yourself as a marine movie maker, a latter day Jacques Cousteau, a Stephen Spielberg or you just like making movies? If your answer to any of these questions is yes then we have just the thing for you. There are some great prizes and the chance for your marine movie to be seen by people from all over Europe.
The deadline is March 25th go get that equipment dusted off and have your voice heard with this Marine Movie Competition.
Find out more at the Marine Institutes link below
I hope everyone is keeping an eye of for the Galway Atlantaquaria explores van as it will may be on its way to your school bringing fish for your tank or experiments for your classroom.

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